I Love Oral Sex With Crossdressers

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Oral Sex ..

My sex blog, I started writing it when I joined and love the idea of just putting down my experiences sharing with others, plus it’s a great way to meet new friends…like what I write? Then follow me, better still if you are a crossdresser around Bristol message me 😊 I LOVE SEX…especially oral sex.


Oral Sex what’s so amazing about it? Well, the first is you get your lips around a crossdressers cock…I love pulling panties down and seeing a smooth sleeping cock ready for me to lick and wake up!


Given a choice I do prefer starting with a limp / sleeping cock, there is something so horny about sucking a soft cock and feeling it grow in your mouth, plus depending on the size when its limp I can go balls deep pressing my face hard down, even letting my lover push my head hard onto his cock…then it grows!

Limp...then HARD

How long does it stay limp? Not long with my lips around your cock as I know just how to make it grow firm and hard then the real fun starts sucking, licking and enjoying the sight of a hard crossdressers cock.


Theres nothing to not love about oral sex, and before I became bi and then started meeting Bristol Crossdressers ( I can’t travel far, no car) I was having sex with women and most of them love sucking my cock, now I know why 😊


It’s the control you have either being on your knees letting your lover watch you as you suck and wank them or laying on the bed letting them lay back whilst you have your wicked way pleasing them sucking and teasing…but not too much

Crossdresser Precum

Yummm fucking yum, there is something about precum that is so sweet, it’s got a unique different taste to cum, its sticky, you can get some on your tongue and moving back showing your crossdresser precum as you roll your tongue around it tasting and licking it up.


Then placing your lips firming around your lovers cock, making sure to keep teeth out of the way, although I have met a few crossdressers that like me to bite and tease them running my teeth down there hard cock

Swallow ...bitch

Do you swallow or spit, please tell me you swallow and the bigger the cum load the better, I’ve been rewarded with some extremely heavy cum loads in the past, some that even filled my mouth and it was like swallowing a small glass of cum…fucking yummm.


I LOVE “Cum” the taste, sweet sticky juice stays in your mouth as you savor every drop draining your crossdressers cum into your mouth making sure you swallow every drop and suck your lover till they start going limp.


If you read my personals advert and like, better still live around Bristol then message me and I will give you a personal demonisation of my oral skills, so long as afterwards you return the complement 😊

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